Saturday, May 2, 2009

PODCASTING - It's not all talk!

The power of oral language, as teachers some believe that oral language is just an add on and it's integrated into all learning area that take place but what happens when oral language is taught specifically? What do you see children doing? They begin to reflecting about what they are learning, they are aware of the audience and they begin thinking!

I have been really inspire this weekend by janenicholls e-fellow report on podcasting, it has really motivated me to think about the way I approach the children I teach and the tools I use. I am only working with children on a Tuesday at my school but will endeavor to make change for the good.

After reading Jane's report I have been thinking about setting a new goal for myself focused on oral language and using tools such as voice thread and pod casting to enhance learning and thinking skills. I'm not sure how I will approach this but am so inspired I know I will have something by the end of this weekend ( there goes working on the milestone report for another

I would love to investigate and trial some of these ideas and thoughts in my own class but alas I have another 6 terms of facilitating before I can try all these exciting things I have learnt and found out.

Keep a watch and see what develops here!

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